Informatics Department Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Comes Into Use

Informatics is defined by the Turkish Standards Institute as “the discipline of research and practice in the technology and systems required for gathering, storing, processing, organizing, classification, distribution of information, and its use”.

Informatics also concerns with how people change technology and how technology changes people.


Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory provides detailed analyses of what points of the screen were looked at, which interactions were carried out etc. by matching eye movements with a computer screen or a mobile screen. Eye tracking instrument in the laboratory can make precise measurements by recording eye movements 60 times per second. Therefore, it becomes possible to measure users’ behaviors directly.

The laboratory is aimed to serve private companies and organizations giving services in ICT and other business sectors as well as the University’s academic and administrative staff, and students.

Because, digital channels of all kinds of business and academic areas need usability analysis.

We dedicate this laboratory to respond to these kinds of needs as much as possible. Therefore, we are glad to respond to the needs of both the University and the external world.
